What are the causes of Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction can be a biological, psychological or a combination of two along with social difficulties. A biological disorder may include constant, uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, chronic alcohol and tobacco abuse, use of illicit drugs, infections due to STDs, uncontrolled or difficult hormonal balances or imbalances.

Also may be due to the degeneration of the neuronal system that controls the sexual activity of the person. Psychological causes for sexual dysfunction are mood disorders, anxiety, depression, some cases of obsessive compulsion disorders. For people living in a joint family, the lack of privacy can be an issue, therefore causing sexual dysfunction among couples. 

The dysfunction can either be temporary or permanent in nature, depending on its type, especially the biological ones. Fortunately, in most cases, the condition can be altered and treatment can save your sex life. Recognizing the cause is important for the right kind of treatment.
What are the causes of Sexual Dysfunction What are the causes of Sexual Dysfunction Reviewed by GlamourTreat on November 16, 2017 Rating: 5


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