
Do you desire a well sculptered body or six packs abdomen,which is not possible with diet & exercise alone .If you are not grossly overweight with a BMI under 30,there is a new technique to help you.

VASER or ultrasonic Hi Def Liposuction  is a less invasive alternative to traditional liposculpture techniques, and was designed to  effectively eliminate resistant  fatty deposits that are often the result of genetics and have proven resistant to traditional weight loss efforts.  Hi Def Liposculpting procedures use  ultrasound technology to enhance and reshape the body, and can be utilized wherever there is surplus fat on the body, although the most common treatment areas include the: buttocks, abdomen, thighs, waist, flanks, arms, neck, chin, cheeks, back and chest.

4D VASER /Ultrasound Hi Definition Liposuction etching is a new technique which is  ultrasonic Hi Def Liposuction with etching and a simultaneous fat transfer.This is done by liposuction of  fat and re-injecting the fat to acheive precise sculpture. The purified fat is used as a sculpting medium and gives you  a well defined result that is not possible with any other technique.

High-Def ultrasonic liposclupture can be used to “etch” or “sculpt” the body in virtually any region, including the chest, arms, abdomen, obliques, and elsewhere. Etching is a technique where the fat is not removed in an even fashion and instead it's removed  following contour lines of abdominal muscles.

This allows the remaining fat to appear to be volume from excessive abdominal muscles.This surgery can be done as a day care surgery under local or general anasthesia.
Ideal candidates for this procedure will want to reduce excess pockets of fat and enhance their body contour. Additionally, you’ll want to be in good general health and have reasonable expectations for the outcome. During your  consultation your surgeon can discuss the treatment plan from start to finish to help you become well-informed about your options and what can be accomplished.

Your treated areas should look great and retain their sculptured appearance for as long as you remain the same weight. If you gain weight, you will generally gain it in areas other than those that were treated.
By: Dr. Anup Dhir
GET SIX PACKS BY LIPOSUCTION GET SIX PACKS BY LIPOSUCTION Reviewed by GlamourTreat on July 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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