UZI Defender Tactical Pens: modern defense systems for women.
William Penn presents the UZI Defender Tactical Pens, from a renowned Israel brand that specializes in making instruments for self-defense (used and trusted by the Army, Secret Service, and Special Forces). These pens, specially designed for women to use in emergencies, have never-before-seen features like ‘glass breakers’ (to use in the event of being locked in a car or taxicab); DNA catchers (where the assailants’ DNA can be captured on the pen); apart from LED keys and handcuff keys. Made of lightweight titanium and aircraft aluminum, some of the toughest materials known to man, they last a lifetime and write beautifully too!
Choose from: Tactical Glass breaker Pen (grey), Tactical LED Pen (black) and Tactical Glass breaker Pen (grey).
· Features an ultra-durable carbide tip glass breaker and built-in cuff key
· Compatible with standard and Fisher Space Pen refills
· Features a striking point
Add your creative professional, a lawyer or a pilot you will definitely appreciate this one-of-a-kind pen!
Starting Price: 2,200/-
Available at and all the 31 William Penn stores
Defend yourself anytime, anywhere with UZI!
Reviewed by GlamourTreat
June 26, 2018

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