An upcoming movie based on Haseena Parkar got its teaser released. The teaser narrates Haseena’s life, shewas known as ‘Aapa’. Haseena Parkar is a true story movie. It is based on the life of Dawood Ibrahim’s sister Haseena who is himself India’s Most Wanted. Haseena Parkar Wiki.
Hassena’s power is visible with a statement that 80 cases registered yet she appeared in the court only once, this is the movie’s tagline.
Haseena Parkar was a daughter, sister and a mother and the most danger personality which made her known to the world as a gangster. In the film, Shraddha Kapoor acts as Haseena the crime lord. In the movie, Sharddha Kapoor plays a different role compared to her roles in her last movies. She seems a strong personality with an ability to withhold the battle.
Haseena Parkar Teaser, Haseena Parkar Wiki
Reviewed by GlamourTreat
June 19, 2017
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